Psychology of Biology
Energetic Anthropology shows us the existence of coded cells that carry within themselves a personal psychology for specific tasks. They compose the Unit of Life and give rise to the formation of a body, both animal and human. We also discover that this mechanism is governed by the laws imposed by physics, geometry, and mathematics.
The psychologies that exist in all cells, already encoded by Nature, are the weapons that humans have to refine all the energy present in their energetic body and thus be able to incorporate all the necessary wisdom into their mind for their evolution and ultimately form the Unity of Life (biological-energetic and mental-astral) that will transport them from the terrestrial biological life to the space biological life, in their constant ascent.
When embarking on the search for Truth, if there is any obscure or feared point, one must pause to try to master it. I believe that the world truly deserves this effort in order to reach a future without wars, to achieve a human well-being full of spiritual warmth.
All research aims to find the perfect balance for human advancement, in both the material and spiritual aspects. With the knowledge of the biological and energetic organization of Nature, humans can put an end to the Vegetative Era and usher in the Psychic Era.
The Cosmic Laws and the Conscious Evolution, Volume I
The Cosmic Formation of the mind
- Creation, cosmos, Earth, astrophysics, pre-quantum, ceho, Cignus, Omve, constellation, galaxy, Sun, stars, Jupiter, Mercury.
Nature in Evolution
- Marine biosphere, bathyal region, sea floor, sea laboratory.
- Earth laboratory, particles, materialization of a quantum energy, ceho, Om Pisces, Theomens, Theosoma, Om Mens.
- Atmosphere laboratory, corpuscles, space shadow energy, primary holograms.
- Troposphere, insects, botany, morphogenetics, 10 V, zoology, 20 V viviparous animals, birds, mammals, 40 V minor animals, superior animals.
The Human Being
- Incarnation phenomenology, humans, embryo, fetus, Ego energy, incorporeal energy, perisoma, vortices, circuits, holograms, energetic abnormalities, postpartum, abortions, oneiric manifestations, magnetic bands, conscious evolution, 4000 V, vibrational values, 8000 V, natural death, suicide, violent death.
On the way to the Creator
- Magnetosphere, Saturn, Entamorphic levels, Uranus, Space Universities, Saturn, The Diamond, Mars, Cosmic Beings, message to humanity.
The Cosmic Laws and the Psychology of Biology, Volume II
Beyond Matter
- Psychology of biology, Lunar Terrestrial Tabernacle, zodiacal organizations, Bootes cavity, superior clirosomatic cells, medium clirosomatic cells, minor clirosomatic cells, microclirosomatic cells, ctc, ctn, cmc, cliromatic cells dynamics.
From 0 V onwards
- Energetic biological enrichment, traces 1/2 V to 1 V, 5 V to 40 V, oscillographies, psychological action of the biology, coding, animals 40 V to 320 V.
The Human Being
- Energetic anthropological mind, gestation, cellular energetic structures, biohuman cell, sex determination, genes, chromosome, Om Pisces, energy lines, normal chronological location, Semater.
- Vibraton as a measure of evolution, pre-puberty, puberty, drug addiction, smoking, alcoholism: consequences.
- Memory, senses, biological memories, somatization, biological instinct, obsession,
- Evolution, microcosms, microorganisms, microelements, primitive human being 1360 V. Cosmic nucleus.
- Nutrition, mouth area.
- Magnetic bands, primary bands. 3 months of age, 3 years, 5 to 7 years, 8 to 9 years.
- Adolescents 15 to 16 years, superior magnetic bands, bodily psychologies, magnetic bands , death, from time to space, inheritance.
- Mental fatigue, postmortem process, cremation.
- Geological Magnetic Fields